Campus Technology
Transform how your campus runs with a single integration

Want to put a lock on one of the biggest data privacy risks on campuses today? When you use Follett’s technology to power course materials access in the LMS, we offer best-in-class privacy tools that provide control over student data sharing with third parties. Our integrations protect your data with encryption that exceeds industry standards, ensuring the highest level of LTI security. We don’t store any student grade or financial data, so it’s never at risk of exposure.

With Follett’s technology, we make it possible to access thousands of digital learning tools with a single LMS integration, allowing students to get all their learning materials quickly and easily with just one click. On average, only two hours of integration time are needed for IT teams to get up and running.

With Follett, you can see the difference at every stage of the academic journey, from course materials to financial aid, ecommerce shopping and more. Our in-store point of sale systems can track sales down to the SKU level, provide auto replenish reports, and integrate multiple payment methods. For students, finding and purchasing the course materials they need has never been easier.